Inspired by Frank Capra’s cinematic classic, this beloved holiday treat brings the spirit of the season to life right before your eyes. Performed as a 1940s live radio broadcast in front of a studio audience, five actors play the dozens of characters in Bedford Falls as well as produce all the sound effects. A nostalgic blend of holiday cheer and...
Beware The Herdmans; the worst kids in the history of the world! When they crash Sunday school and demand parts in the Christmas pageant, the whole town panics. In this buoyant new musical adaptation of the funny and touching holiday classic, will it be a silent night? Not a chance. But sometimes, a little joyful noise is just right for...
Light Up UCF, one of Orlando's most anticipated holiday attractions, provides Central Florida families and residents with an affordable family winter wonderland featuring ice skating, rides, and holiday attractions. Back for its tenth season, Light Up UCF will run from November 17 through December 31, and will feature cool rides, snowier nights, and bigger and brighter lights! All of the...
Experience the magic of more than TWO MILLION pounds of hand-carved ice sculptures and slide down two-story ice slides - all kept at a chilly 9 degrees!Delight in the celebration of cultures through holiday scenes and travel to the North Pole to see Santa and his elves.ICE! is a walk-through holiday attraction featuring:* Two million pounds of ice sculptures hand-carved...
A perfect holiday treat for the entire family, Amahl and the Night Visitors tells the story of a young and precocious crippled shepherd boy whose life changes forever when he sees an amazing star “as big as a window.” Three kings from afar - who are following the star in search of a wondrous child - encounter Amahl and his...
“An Evening of Musical Memories” is two concerts in one show. The first half of the concert is a trip down memory lane, with the music of Elvis Presley, Bobby Darin, Ray Charles, Frankie Valli, Lee Greenwood, Frank Sinatra and more. The second half of the concert is a Christmas Show, featuring the sounds of the season with the Holiday...
Sanford's Illuminated Boat Parade and Waterfront Christmas concert is an event for the whole family. Come down to Sanford's Riverwalk and watch the lighted parade of sailboats and powerboats in celebration of the holiday season. With 30 plus boats decorated for the holiday season and participating in the parade it will be a spectacular display not to be missed. Light...
Our annual holiday celebration, returns to deck the halls with a 30-foot-tall Christmas tree made of thousands of LEGO® and DUPLO® bricks, festive decorations, a life-size LEGO Santa, reindeer and sleigh, holiday-themed scavenger hunts with prizes, and opportunities to build with LEGO alongside our Master Model Builders. Meet LEGO Santa and LEGO Toy Soldier during daily park appearances and end...